Si terrà in Marocco, ad El Jadida, dal 22 al 24 settembre 2014 il XIV Congresso internazionale sulla pietra a secco organizzato da SPS.
Qui di seguito la comunicazione ufficiale e i documenti del programma e dell’iscrizione.
Dear members, dear colleagues, dear friends,
The 14th international congress on dry stone will be held on the 22th,23th, 24th of september 2014 in Morocco at the town of El Jadida and its region. Please find here attached the call for papers and the registration forms : for the congress participation and for the SPS fee. You can send all devises to the SPS account, if you like, or separate the two transactions. Forms are also available in the congress website and will soon be on line in the SPS website. Please take care to send us an abstract for your paper before the month of may finishes : your title and a text of about 2000-2500 signs or 1000 words.Thank you for returning these documents to the congress office or to the SPS office before the month of june; thecongress organization will be thus much better. The El Jadida town services and the local members of the organizing committee will help you for your stay in the Doukkala region if you contact them.
Présentation PS 2014